orange & black
laughter & love
hold on

the G-Rant

hugs from behind and lovin' is like a reflex action a need for a strength to remain true if i die early then i wanna become a star so that i can shine brightly for you, you and you can forever be a bit more longer?

Straight From The Heart


it's the very essence
of that and friendship
that keeps me going
that prevents me from losing myself
see me as who i am
not what i seem to be

Tuesday, October 23, 2007
8:03 PM

words fly out unwittingly

and so the major hurdles are over, and we're left with a final two. honestly i just cannot wait for everything to be back to normal. give me a day of lessons over this silly marathon but two weeks later you'd see me wishing for the other. boohoo who cares.

one year passes really fast. i wonder how people manage to keep in contact with their JC friends when all you've had is 2 years of memories, as compared to a 6 year friendship, or a 4 year bond. maybe it's cos you've matured, and know that some things are just worth remembering. i'd definitely want to remember all the waking moments (even sleeping) i've spent with s22, though some of us might not be around next year.

you say im being unrealistic
i count it as im going for what i want
you say im selfish
im already asking for less
you offer repeated arguments
i just listen to the silent condemnation

when was the last time you praised someone? really, cliche-ness aside. it's so that difficult to extract a phrase of praise from you. and even if no words come out of your mouth, i see no pride in your eyes either. im tired, really tired from running on this hamster wheel, trying to reach the same level that she is at. it's till to the point when i do get the rare word of encouragement of you, i feel so awkward.

this would so be under an lj-cut if i was at lj now.

im doing things for reasons that Reason cannot comprehend


Saturday, October 13, 2007
10:41 AM

DO THIS! -for the environment

see that bag there. it's called an envirosax bag. haha if you've been to taka you'd have probably seen it around. anyway. apparently these bags are eco-friendly cos they're reusuable, super light (40g!) and waterproof. it's kinda cheap too at 9.90 a bag...and it's only 35 bucks for 5 of them...HMM. shall get the rest to buy with me. haha

yupp. just doing a small promo for the bags. check them out at taka! they can be made super small by folding..and the designs arent too bad either. for more details you can go to this website:

alrightey. time for me to go.


Tuesday, October 9, 2007
8:49 PM

what else can we do??

there's nothing more than i feel like saying but that im sorely disappointed with the way things i have turned out. i dont know why it happened that way, and i dont really think i want to know. im awfully sad that it happened, and now all of us are left in this shithole of a mess.

on a brighter note, maybe it's a chance at redemption. HMM. who knows eh? what's that chinese saying...AH! sai weng shi ma. see laoshi i do pay attention during chinese.

ohwell. time to return to the hole then.

it's all im aiming for...GAMBATTE!


Monday, October 8, 2007
9:14 PM

-About Yourself -100 Questions-
- General Info -
Age?:16 years, 10 months and 1 day old
Hair color?
Happy with it?:yes
If not, what would you change it to?:IF not
Eye color? not too sure actually.
Happy with it?:guess so
If not, what would you change it to?:i'd look weird with another colour ne?
Skin color?:darker than your average chinese..fairer than your normal indian..i guess
- Favorites -
Color?:can i have more than one? orange! and maybe red and green yes green
Food?:im a pig. i have too many favourites XD
Smell?:smell? if you mean fragrance DKNY Be Delicious! kudos
Fast food?:SUBWAY =)
Activity?:reading? the net? i dont know!
Actor?:orrrrrlando bloom. johnny depp.
Actress?:ellen pompeo and suzanne oh! ( i think that's yang's name)
Movie?:POTC, XMen, LOTR, blahblah
Shoe brand?:eh?
Dog?:namely golden retriever and rough collie!
Board Game?:is jenga a board game? ok if not...i dontknow. im not that big a fan of board games
Video Game?:uhm...that fighting game on my auntie's PS?
- Usernames -
On Aol or AIM?:nada
On MSN or MSN Messanger?:ginakoh__ so simple right? HAH. thank God i changed them
On Bzoink?:neh
On LiveJournal?:i have two XD
On Blurty?:what's blurty?
On Neopets?:HAHA. i think it was fiery_blazer or something like that. or was that my pet? alamak. i know i had 2 accounts, one pet was called tamahome26 i think. the other was some gelert
- This or That? -
Coke or Pepsi?:neither.
Black or White?:black
Summer or Winter?:winter. singapore's weather is hot enough
Spring or Fall?:fall
Mountains or Plains?:mountains
Rock or Pop?:pop
Jeans or Khackis?:jeans
Shorts or Capris?:shorts
Message Boards or E-mail?:email
Some good friends or a lot of bad ones?:GOOD FRIENDS XD
TV or computer?:can i be greedy and say both?
Cordless phone or cell?:cell. withnocharges. haha
Survey or Quiz?:quiz please
Pink or Red?:RED. obviously
Christmas or Easter?:christmas!
Read or Write?:a little of both?
Take or Create?:create!
Flower or Weed?:flower. why would you want a weed??
Pizza or Antelope?:what's antelope? some fruit thingy? PIZZA =)
- Love Life -
Have you ever had a girlfriend/boyfriend?:nope
Do you currently have a girlfriend/boyfriend?:nope
How many girlfriends/boyfriends have you had?:there are only many ways you can ask one question you know
Does your girlfriend/boyfriend give you presents?:he would. HAHA
- How Many -
Tatoos?:*shakes head*
CDs?:dontknow. too many
DVDs?:still too many
Computers?:2. but only one's functioning properly
Pairs of Shoes?:plus slippers and all....6..or 7? i have big feet, difficult to find shoes. XP
Musical Instruments?:a recorder? haha. uhm one guitar
Buckets of Lard?:like whaaat??
Pets?:nope. if you count my brother that's one.
Hair brushes?:is a comb a brush? dont think so right
- Talents -
Can you sing?:think so?
Can you dance?:horribly. haha.
Can you decorate?:dontknow
Can you type fast?:guess so
Can you train animals?:i trained jayne! is that counted?
Can you write?:if you live in singapore you would
Can you read fast?:guess so. sarah's faster though. HAH
Can you sharpen pencils?:with a sharpener YA. i dont have nails like jayne's
Can you paint?:probably?
Can you draw?:YES! doodling on msn is fun.
- Random -
Name a random song.:ON & ON by dongbang!
Name a random TV show.:GREY'S ANATOMY
Name a random food.:kimchi
Name a random person.:yunho
Name a random animal.:goldfish
Name a random holiday.:deepavali
Name a random cartoon character.:FUJIIIII from POT
- Family -
Do you have siblings?:3. buu.
Do you get along with them?:fairly i guess. i've been plotting their murders since i was 7
Do you live at home?:yes
Are your parents divorced?:NOPE
- Are you.. -
In love?:with a guy who's 184, is smokin hot, 21 this year and doesnt know i exist, SADLY X(
Sleepy?:not yet. but there's school tomorrow. BAHHH
Glad you took this survey?:kinda?
Take this survey Find more surveys
Bzoink - The Original Survey Site


Friday, September 14, 2007
12:36 AM

and we go round and round

for junsu, whom i cant seem to find anything about except that you're in brazil. hope you meet pele! XD

i am currently (and i think im gonna continue to be) in an utter state of confusion. it aint due to the inability to comprehend my studies and the like [if that were all i'd be thanking my stars]. honestly, everytime i take a step forward i end up getting bitten which makes me think twice about doing so again. and then i do nice and try and try again, but the whole complexity of the problem just confunds me to no end. im sick and tired of dealing with emotions/bouts of bitchiness/whatifs or rather, whatnots/and staying true.

pish. guess what. there are such things as 1 in a million. what im doing now is a good example. HA. it's 12.42am on a friday morning. ooh wonder if it's the 14th in canada, cousin's birthday and all. promos are in 13 days time, but who's counting anyway. it's amazing the amount of "i've nevers" you achieve when you enter JC. HA. we'll make it together, im sure of it.

go see the Eiffel tower.
prance among streetside cafes
bite into a freshbaked crossaint
stand under the Arc de Nome and ring the bells of Notre Dame

now i know the true meaning of losing my religion; when i find respite in everything else.


Wednesday, August 29, 2007
8:33 PM

the beautiful hug

there have been quite a lot of things that've been happening lately, and it just kinda made me mull over the complexity of being human. i honestly dont think one can lead a simple life no matter how much they say they desire or feel like they're living it. i mean come on just dealing with the day to day social interactions between beings is taxing enough, and i guess you would be able to derive what im trying to say through this short reflection. maybe it'd be easier if i had a guidebook to tell me when to shutup or when to say what i think, then maybe i won't feel like im caught in some sadistic cycle.

anyway. promos are coming. the likelihood of me coming back here to blog anytime after this pre-promos is almost nil. i think. and then maybe after that i'll make the move to LJ and join vien with her sexybooness cos blogger just screws you too much sometimes.

when i signed up for a JC life,
no one told me it would mean sleeping at 4am in the morning
no one said i'd have to study that much harder
no one told me Pw was such a bitchy time/enjoyment/life thief
no one said that that's the way it is.

i guess there's not much point in thinking back and wishing of the could've beens or would've beens, the might haves or should haves. but then again this is what this is for ne?

When love beckons you, follow him
though his ways are hard and steep
When his wings enfold you, yield to him
though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you

when he speaks to you believe in him
though his voice may shatter your dreams
for even as love crowns you so shall he crucify you

All these things shall love do unto you
that you may know the secret of your heart
and in that knowledge become a fragment of life's heart

-K. Gibran

i'll protect this gift You've given with all i have. =))


Wednesday, August 15, 2007
8:46 PM

you would be my kryptonite.

you know one of the reasons why fiction is so well received is because it takes us away from the ugliness of the real world just for that moment and casts us into characters where we can believe that there must be something more to anything and everything you can ever experience.

when i chance upon stringed words that touch the heart of me i sometimes wish i'd be able to do that too.

the ability to express oneself so infinitely. somehow i cant seem to do so. they come out in starts and fits, and at times filled with so much complexity that i end up losing myself as well.

but reading those printed words prods me to delve deeper into the things surrounding me.
they make me ache, sometimes cry or laugh until i could just die
allow me to realise things i wouldnt have had it not been for a thrown perspective
flaws. ideals. that similar likeness. certain longings. might've beens.

240 steps of concrete.
1 lush area of green.
the journey of 9
before i touch my familarity again

arssh. words. you put foul thoughts into my head
or am i just feeling my ghosts of now and then?

now i know. now i know.

-i would your superman-
